Worth a Visit...

BWI's Observation Gallery -

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A lot of avianuts attribute at least part of their obsession with flying things to youthful experiences at airports - at least those of us old enough to remember peering through fences, hanging out on observation decks and a more open airport environment. Recent years have seen priorities of security and efficiency obstruct the view and the fun of airports fade away. BWI has made a commendable step toward countering that trend.

It's a little Air & Space Museum (which has a store there), with displays, mockups, and lots of real aircraft parts - even better than the old view through the fence in some ways.

Well, you can't hear big old piston engines running up, but the view is great and the chairs are comfortable. [Observation Lounge]
[aviation display] The interactive aviation displays present a look at weather, communications, traffic control, aerodynamics and nearly everything else which involves flying.

See the BWI home page for more on the observation gallery and other BWI information.

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